Broadcast Every Saturday Morning 6:00 a.m. on "Heaven-600" -
600 AM, WCAO-AM - Heaven-600 Radio.
Heard In Central Maryland, Pennsylvania, & Delaware.
The GBCHRB's lively 15-minute radio show "Living in Baltimore" is hosted by
Dr. Bill Kladky. Each program is
an interview with community leaders on pressing topics in
housing, community development, human rights, neighborhood quality
of life, civil rights, social problems, & related issues.
Click the Guest's Name & Topic to Listen to an Interview:

Marceline White, MD Consumer Rights Coalition, "Consumer Rights in Maryland" Joelle Novey, Interfaith Power & Light, "Interfaith Climate Action"
Rob Strupp, Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc., "Fair Housing in Baltimore"
Antonia Fasanelli, Homeless Persons Representation Project, "Homeless Rights"
Dr. Hasan Jalisi, Maryland Muslim Council, "Muslims in Maryland"
Dr. Elizabeth Nix, Univ. of Baltimore, "History of Racial Discrimination"
Muhammad Jameel, Islamic Society of Baltimore
Todd Brogan, ATU Local 1300, "People's Plan for Transit"
Kevin Quinn, MD Transit Administration, "MTA Baltimore Link"
Charlie Duff, Jubilee Baltimore, "Baltimore Redevelopment "
"Keith Merkey, MD Comm. on Civil Rights, "Employment & Housing Discrimination"
Rich Hall, CPHA, "Improving Baltimore Neighborhoods"
Mike Posco, Habitat for Humanity, "Homes for Baltimore"
Liz Briscoe, Action in Maturity, "Seniors in Baltimore"
Michael Wilson, Maryland Hunger Solutions, "Hunger in Maryland"
Betsy Wagner, Advocates for Children & Youth, "Maryland Youth"
Dan Ellis, NHS of Baltimore, "Improving Baltimore"
John Nethercut, Public Justice Center, "Legal Problems"
Debra McGhee, HUD Baltimore Office, "Fair Housing"
Al Redmer, MD Insurance Administration, "Insurance in Maryland"
Marceline White, MD Consumer Rights Coalition, "Consumer Rights in Maryland"
Alvin Gillard, Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, "Civil Rights"
Tom Saunders, Renaissance Productions, "Baltimore African American History"
Gary Gillespie, Central Maryland Ecumenical Council, "Ecumenical Action"
Chris Danielsen, National Federation of the Blind, "The Blind in Maryland"
Tom Saunders, Renaissance Productions, "Baltimore African American History"
Gary Gillespie, Central Maryland Ecumenical Council, "Ecumenical Cooperation"
Chris Danielson, National Federation of the Blind, "Making Maryland Fairer"
Mel Freeman, CPHA, "Neighborhood Improvement in Baltimore"
Judge Michael Reed, Bar Association of Baltimore, "How the Bar Works"
Robert Strupp, Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc., "Fair Housing Rights"
Linda Dorsey Walker, Maryland COVE, "Hate Crimes"
Brother Jerry O'Leary, Beyond the Boundaries, "Social Justice"
Kathleen Hyland, Civil Justice, Inc., "Civil Justice in Maryland"
Katheryn King, Equality Maryland - Equality in the State
Karen Pearson, Goodwill Industries - Goodwill
Vinnie DeMarco, Health Care For All - Better Health Care in Maryland
Scott Vieth, American Institute of Architects - Architecture in Baltimore
Chris Danielson, National Federation of the Blind - The Blind in Maryland
Erika Flaschner, Office of the Public Defender - Expunging a Criminal Record
Marisela Gomez - "Race, Class, Power and Organizing in East Baltimore"
Karen Hornig, Maryland Insurance Administration - Insurance in Maryland
Kristin Baja, Baltimore Office of Sustainability - Sustainable Baltimore
Rev. Fred Weimert, Central Maryland Ecumenical Council - Ecumencial Cooperation
Virginia Knowlton Marcus, Maryland Disability Law Center - Disability Legal Rights
Robert Strupp, Esq., Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. - Fair Housing
Cathy Demeroto, Maryland Hunger Solutions - Hunger in Maryland
Becky Wagner, Advocates for Children & Youth - Current Issues
Becky Wagner, Advocates for Children & Youth - Important Issues for Children & Youth
Dr. Hasan Jalisi, Baltimore Co. Muslim Council - Muslim Community Activities
Yoanna Moisides, Legal Aid Bureau - Legal Rights
Susan Wyzkowski, Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors - Buying a Home
The Reverend Frederick W. Weimert - Homelessness
Debra McGhee, HUD Baltimore Office - Fair Housing
Meredith Mishaga, Baltimore Homeownership Preservation Coalition - Foreclosures
Ralign Wells, Maryland Transportation Authority - Public Transportation
Marceline White, Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition - Your Rights
Maureen Daly, Beyond the Boundaries - Being a Good Neighbor
Vincent DeMarco, Maryland Health Care for All Coalition - Health Care Plan
Toba Raines, Baltimore Jewish Council - Yom HaShoah
Cathy Raggio, Secretary, Maryland Department of Disabilities - Disability Access
Todd Lang, Baltimore Metropolitan Council - Planning for the Future
Iman Awad, Governor's Comm. on Arab American Affairs - Arab Americans in Maryland
Maj. Barry Corbitt, Salvation Army of Maryland - Salvation Army
Richard Chambers, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service - Legal Assistance
Katie Grove, Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors - Housing Market
Detective James Skidmore, Baltimore County Police Department - Hate Crimes
R. Strupp, Community Law Center - Foreclosures
Nasrin Ramin, Baltimore County Muslim Council - Muslims in Maryland
Keith Merkey, MD Comm. on Human Relations - Housing & Employment Discrimination
Jackie Miller, Social Security Administration - Your Social Security Benefits
James Kelly, U.S. Dept. of HUD - Affordable Housing & Discrimination
Deborah Flateman, Maryland Food Bank - Hunger in Maryland
Vito Simone, Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors - Purchasing Housing
Cathy Raggio, Maryland Department of Disabilities - Disability Issues
MacKombo Omoile, NAACP of Maryland
Sally Scott, Baltimore Homeownership Preservation Coalition - Preventing Foreclosures
Bessy Torres, CASA of Maryland - Helping Workers
Antonio Pietila - Maryland Racial History
Larry Klimovitz, Baltimore Metropolitan Council - Transportation Issues
The Reverend Fred Weimert - Good Neighbor Week
Other Guests
Have Included:
- David Lee, Governor's
Commission on Asian Pacific Affairs.
- Odette Ramos, Baltimore Neighborhood
Indicators Alliance.
- Richard Doran, Baltimore
Neighborhoods, Inc.
- Bryan Greene, U. S. Department
of Housing & Urban Development.
- Raymond Skinner, Maryland
Department of Housing & Community Development.
- Akbar Ansari, Baltimore
County Muslim Council.
- Dan Pontious, Citizens
Planning & Housing Association.
- Mark Cameron, Neighborhood Design
- Alvin Gillard, Baltimore Community
Relations Commission.
- Douglas Nelson, Annie Casey Foundation.
- Vinne DeMarco, Maryland
Citizens Health Care Initiative.
- Tracy Laubach, American
Red Cross - Central Maryland
- Shanelle Shakoor, Greater Baltimore
Urban League.
- Robin Gamble, Girl Scouts of Central
- Patricia Sylvester, Esq., MD
Dept. of Housing & Community Development.
- George Rice, Making Choices
for Independent Living, Inc.
- Julia Atkinson & Kara Kladky, Towson
Presbyterian Church - Heifer Project.
- Earl Holcomb, Baltimore
Commission for Historical & Architectural Preservation.
Noreen Beatley, The
Enterprise Foundation & Housing Maryland.
- Tom Stosur & Gloria Griffin, Baltimore
Department of Planning.
Julia Atkinson &
Kara Kladky,
Towson Presbyterian
Church -
The Heifer Project
George Rice, MCIL - Making Choices for Independent Living -
Disability Issues
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