With the recent changes in the federal and state laws, fair housing and civil rights training is more important now than before. The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) provides free services, information, and training support to agencies and individuals in Maryland. MCCR offers current and accurate information on issues affecting equal access and opportunity under Title 20 of the State Government Article and Title 19 of the Finance & Procurement Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in housing, employment, public accommodations, and state contracts. This includes information about relevant federal laws and regulations.

Through MCCR’s Community Outreach & Education program, it offers workshops and seminars to agencies, businesses, and organizations throughout the State. The form of the training is tailored to fit the needs of the audience.

Training modules that are currently available include:

For more information on MCCR’s Community Outreach & Education program or to make a request, please contact:

Kara N. Hunt, Ph. D.
Director of Education & Outreach
kara.hunt1@maryland.gov​ / 410.767.7656

Dia Drake-Sprague
Education & Outreach Associate
dia.drake-sprague@maryland.gov​ / 410-767-8602


GBCHRB Fair Housing Training

The GBCHRB also is available to provide free Fair Housing training. This often is done in conjunction with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights. If interested, contact Bill Kladky at 443.347.3701 or wkladky@gbchrb.org.


(c) 2025, Greater Baltimore Community Housing Resource Board.