

The GBCHRB writes, produces, and distributes Fair Housing News as a public service to inform the public about news in Fair Housing and related areas. Each issue has summaries and links to individual news stories that occur in Maryland and across the U. S. Topics covered includes important new news about Fair Housing and related subjects, mortgage lending, calendar, resources, quick reviews of relevant books, and obituaries of prominent Civil Rights and Fair Housing advocates. The publication is issued every two months in both printed and digital formats. The GBCHRB also produces a quick summary of some news in each issue in Fair Housing E-News

To become a subscriber: email wkladky@gbchrb.org and put “Subscribe” in the subject line.

Click on any of the following to read an issue of the GBCHRB’s Fair Housing News.

Contact the GBCHRB: wkladky@gbchrb.org or 443.347.3701

(c) 2024 Greater Baltimore Community Housing Resource Board

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